
The Graduate Program in Physics (PPGFIS) of the Institute of Physics of UFBA (IF-UFBA) aims to train post-graduate professionals in Physics, at the academic master's and doctoral levels, able to work in universities, research centers and Industries. Thus, PPGFIS also contributes to the development of teaching and scientific research in Bahia and the Northeast. Regarding the profile of the graduate professional, PPGFIS seeks to train researchers with strong technical and conceptual knowledge in physics, requiring good scientific production and, after the completion of the doctorate, with scientific leadership capacity.

In this context, PPGFIS has regional relevance and impact in the training of professionals with different profiles in the following lines of research:

  • Applied Physics
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics
  • Statistical Physics and Complex Systems
  • Particle and Field Physics
  • Solids and Materials Physics
  • Surface and Nanomaterials Physics
  • Gravitation and Cosmology

